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Due to the limited availability of street parking within Hopewell Borough on the day of the Hopewell Harvest Fair, we ask that the following be observed:
In the event that Fair patrons are unable to find street parking within the nearby vicinity of the Fairgrounds, please proceed to the PATRON reserved lots located at Hamilton Avenue & Lafayette Street as well as on Somerset Street as shown on the map above. NOTE THAT THE PARKING MAP ABOVE IS INCORRECT. THE PARKING LOT IS ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF SOMERSET ST. FROM WHAT IS PICTURED. Please remember to observe all Hopewell Borough traffic/ parking regulations when parking for the Hopewell Harvest Fair. Those cars that do not follow standard parking regulations will be ticketed.
Hopewell Harvest Fair vendors are to park offsite at the D&R Greenway parking lot.This lot is reserved ONLY for Harvest Fair vendors. Golf car shuttle available.
Reserved parking for people with disabilities will be available in the school parking lot directly on the Fairgrounds.​